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Das erste Buch zur Thematik der sog. „open-handed“ Spielweise. In nachvollziehbaren Schritten wird hier der Ansatz dieser „offenen“ Anlage des Drumsetspiels vorgestellt. Basierend auf Konzepten und Denkansätzen der Drummer-Legenden Jim Chapin und Billy Cobham werden die Vorzüge dieser Art des modernen Drumsetspiels mit geeigneten Übungen herausgearbeitet. Auch „cross-handed“ Spieler, die ihr Spiel nicht notwendigerweise umstellen wollen werden hier garantiert fündig werden und eine Vielzahl von interessanten Übungen entdecken. Zusätzlich gibt es vier „fusion-style“ Playalongs in drei Versionen: Mit drums, ohne drums mit click sowie ohne drums ohne click. Vorwort von Billy Cobham.
Auf dem Portal findet ihr ebenso zwei Video-Workshops incl. pdf-Material mit jeweils einem kleinen Auszug aus OPEN-HANDED PLAYING VOL. 1.
- WORKSHOP 1 – Whip The Hat
- WORKSHOP 2 – Togetherness
The argument around open-handed playing (OHP) has been going on for years, but I would say if you are interested in investigating and developing this concept, this book is for you. Both Hessler and Famularo break down the two approaches to OHP, which include Traditional Approach and Voice Variation. Both have their advantages and disadvantages together with guidance on how to incorporate this method into your playing, particularly if you play closed. As a player and teacher, I found this fascinating and can definitely see why some modern teachers are teaching this method. This is a must for everyone’s library, even if you decide to stick to closed-handed. Try it out – you might be surprised.
… which right handed player has not been dreaming: If my left hand was just as good as my right … Congratulations! Finally a Drum Method that brings something new, maybe even some kind of revolution to the world of drumset players … get it!
More than simply just covering the obvious approach of playing a groove riding with the left hand, OPEN HANDED PLAYING. VOL. I really digs into the usefulness of such an approach. It begins by setting up a series of exercises that develop the left hand’s ride feel, and works to illustrate the possibilities of open-handed grooves. The book then goes into voicing alternatives, an approach that’s relatively easy for the right-y to adapt to and that opens a lot of creative doors. Getting comfortable with left-hand lead can be a challenge – but it’s one that’s worth undertaking.
…this way of playing drastically enriches your musical choices and options. To reach this is the goal of this drum method … The special „open handed playing“ concept of Claus Hessler and Dom Famularo is highly recommended.