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DRUMWEEKEND – Regensburg (GER)

Music College Zollerstr. 1A, Regensburg, Germany

From February 21 to 23, 2025 the Regensburg DRUMWEEKEND will take place at the Music Academy Regensburg. Claus will contribute a masterclass on snare technique (moeller, freestroke, rudiments ...) on Sunday, February 23, 2025. More info here ... Also present: Theresa Stark, Bertram Engel, Pat Fa, Gerwin Eisenhauer.

EUROPE DRUM SHOW – Friedrichshafen (GER)

Clinic/performance with Claus on the Main Stage of the new Europe Drumshow, also featuring: Steve Smith, Larnell Lewis, Mike Johnston, Mikkey Dee etc. It's going to be great, check tickets and be there!

DRUMS INTENSIVE Masterclass – Liechtenstein (LI)

DRUMS INTENSIVE Masterclass In Liechtenstein: Learning to understand the big picture. Basics, free stroke, moeller, open-handed, rudiments, conception, drumset applications. Eye-opener promised. More info about the event coming soon!

Drum Camp Trentino

A drum camp Easter weekend with Claus in Trentino, near Lake Garda. Sounds good, doesn't it? Contact Carlo Salvaterra for more info and registration at [email protected] . Network, drum, get smarter!

Drumming Kinship @ Athens Drumfest (GR)

Anika Nilles and Claus Hessler, aka DRUMMING KINSHIP together for the first time in Greece at the Athens Drumfest! Performance and Masterclass at the Art Music School Fakanas! More info coming soon ...

Rudiments & Beyond Masterclass (D)

Sommerkahl Mühlweg 15, Sommerkahl

Why do we actually say "paradiddle" - and what was a "mill" again? And what was that again with the "drag" and the "ruff"? And how do you play that? And why and where and why all this? Based on the concept of the "Moeller & Beyond" masterclasses, there is a new format: Rudiments & […]

CH3 – Lübeck (GER)

CVJM Lübeck Große Petersgrube 11, Lübeck, Germany

For the opening of the band workshop on July 19 and 20, here's something for your ears: The new project by and with Claus "CH3". The extension of "Flux" with other means. Stay tuned and mark your calendars for the weekend! Thomas Langer (git), Paul Gehrig (moog, rhodes), Claus Hessler (drums).


CVJM Lübeck Große Petersgrube 11, Lübeck, Germany

Find your voice in the band! In the context of Claus Hessler's new band project - CH3 - the focus is on ways of playing together, creative ways of dealing with musical ideas and finding your own position and voice in a band. The workshop is primarily aimed at drummers, keyboardists and guitarists - but […]

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