Finally out! “Claus Hessler’s CAMP DUTY UPDATE” is now available with Alfred Music Publishing! Anything you always wanted to know about rudiments, but simply could not find: History, backgrounds, info about different schools of traditional European rudimental drumming, you name it.

Major focus goes to pieces taken from the US Camp and Garrison Duty, the history of the tunes, original versions and modern versions using influences from Basle Drumming, modern American rudimental drumming and Collapsed Rudiments – a concept of the late great Jim Chapin. Since most drummers consider rudiments the basis of drumming it is quite surprising that we don’t seem to know too much about this heritage of our artform. Find more info under BOOKS | DVD. Includes playalongs and complete versions of all the tunes covered with real fifes; testimonials from: DAVID GARIBALDI – VIC FIRTH – JOHN WOOTON – MATT HALPERN. Order your personal, autographed copy in the SHOP.

I was hooked as soon as I heard the sound of that drum and touch and feel that is absent from so much modern rudimental drumming. What a brilliant idea and execution of a publication where you can learn about the history of these compositions, how to play them, interpret the music, and be challenged by Claus’ new renditions. Thank you Claus!

John Wooton – Professor of Music at the University of Southern Mississippi

Since I first began to play, I’ve loved rudiments and rudimental drumming. Rarely are we taught about the rich history of the rudimental tradition that goes back centuries, and it’s even more rare to think about how the authors might have interpreted them. Claus gives us a fresh look at this and offers us a new way to look at this unique art form. Beautifully played and notated. Bravo Claus!!!”

David Garibaldi – Drumlegend with “Tower of Power”

Claus has brought forth a period of drumming history that has seldom been heard from. He presents it in an artistic and challenging way. A great contribution to our percussion repertoire.”

Vic Firth – Drumlegend, “Boston Philharmonic Orchestra”, Founder of Vic Firth, Educator & Author

This book has come to me at the perfect time! I’ve been looking to revitalize my rudimental studies, and Claus’ book provides a great path for me to do just that. When watching Claus play the drums, it’s quite obvious that he is a master of rhythmic history, just as well as he is a master of rhythmic application – he’s fluent from the foundation upward. It is for this reason that I trust him, and his writings in this book… 

Matt Halpern – Educator, Drummer of Periphery, and Founder of The Entertainment Institute

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